3-Steps to Startup and Grow Your Existing Business

Have an IDEA for an app, a product, or a service with no clue how to sell it?

Need SEO content for your digital marketing that will get more sales than just engagement?

More than 500,000 startups launch annually in the U.S. Over 90% fail in the first 5 yrs. The <10% that survive, and thrive into sustainable companies know that business success begins with effective Marketing.

Taught at Stanford University, Lean Startup and Biz Marketing—W1 is the 1st Step to building a Marketing Foundation for your business venture. You will learn practical, doable steps to actualizing a lean startup from an idea, or grow your existing business through effective Marketing PRACTICE.

Lean Startup and Biz Growth Marketing—Workshop 1

Step 1


Startup Roadmap

Ready to become your own boss? Learn how to focus your passion into a sellable offering by validating your ideas. Find target buyers likely to want your offering, while generating SEO content for your future marketing campaigns.


Step 2


Build Your Brand

Need branded SEO content marketing for every campaign (even those done by hires) that support your brand image and garner brand advocates?

Pre-Launch and Launch Marketing

Step 3



Create tightly targeted marketing that brands your business and sells your offerings with every campaign to maintain a thriving business.

Does your job suck?

Is your boss an ass?

Are you tired of working so hard for someone else? Or spending so much of your time looking for satisfying work?

Want a job you are excited about doing daily?

Entrepreneurs and biz pros, learn how to actualize and market your ideas, and even developed offerings, into profitable, thriving, sustainable businesses.

It's time to be your own boss, and create a job you love.

1:1 Mentored Marketing Workshops to Startup or Grow Your Existing Business:
